The Greatest Love Ever!

Hearts are everywhere!  Love is in the air!  ‘Tis the season for love!

February 14th is called, “Valentine’s Day.” For lots of folks, it’s a time to express love for your special someone. Flowers, candy, balloons, jewelry – ahh, love is in the air.

Money spent in the U.S. last year was around 20.7 billion dollars! But wait! This year’s projections are at over 27 billion dollars! Even though less people celebrate this “holiday” every year, those who do are spending more. In fact, last year, for Valentine’s Day, people spent a whooping


Are We Supposed To Just Keep Loving People Even When They Hurt Us?

broken heart

In 1971, I played the top 20 hit, Walk a Mile in My Shoes, by Joe South, many times on my radio show.  In the chorus, Joe sings, “Walk a mile in my shoes, walk a mile in my shoes; oh, before you abuse, criticize and accuse, walk a mile in my shoes.”

When our kids were in school, I told them often, “Don’t be so quick to judge other kids that have an attitude problem.  You don’t know what their home life is like; you don’t know what

Love Nuggets 8


(There are links below to previous Love Nuggets.)

The Greatest

How great is faith? It’s huge!

Faith, or, believing, can move mountains. Faith can make you whole. Not to mention it’s by faith that we are saved! Faith, or believing, is huge!

What about hope? How great

It’s My Way Or The Highway

I was thinking about something Jesus said.  “By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another.”  Yet, it seems far too prevalent in Christianity today that the opposite is practiced.

Many people identify themselves as a disciple or follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.  They readily acknowledge that they are a Christian.  But, sadly, Christianity is so divided on many doctrinal beliefs.

Even more tragically, doctrinal differences have caused some to treat their fellow Christians with contempt, disdain or judgment instead of love.  It is done in the name of a worthy cause: taking a stand for God.  But it begs the question, can we take a stand for God and still have love one for another?

Doesn’t the Bible clearly show that we Christians all have the same Father? That makes all of us Christians brothers and sisters, doesn’t it?  Then why do some of my Christian brothers and sisters treat so called, “unbelievers” with more love and respect than they do to their fellow Christians? Where is the love?

Take A Hike, Brother

Many who “take a stand for God,” have a simple formula:  it is my way or the highway.  In other words, believe and do what I think is right, or leave and find someone else to fellowship with.  I’m sure glad that wasn’t the attitude Aquila and Priscilla had toward Apollos, in Acts 18, aren’t you?

In the Christian community, indeed differences of opinions about what the Bible teaches arise. But unless God is schizophrenic, there cannot be two opinions regarding truth.  So when two people disagree on a point of scripture, they both cannot be right; the possibility even exists that they both are wrong.

This is why it is so important to study the scriptures honestly without preconceived ideas.  Far too many people go to the scriptures looking for verses to prove their point.  Then, likewise, someone else, with a different opinion, also searches the holy writ to find their ammunition verses.  After an intense verse fight, they both walk away, confident that they took a stand for God.

I Am Right!

Being a student of the Bible for over 35 years, as you might imagine, I have a set of beliefs, based on what I believe the Bible teaches.  However, I am not afraid to consider that something I believe and hold dear may not be right.  I am willing to re-examine the scriptures on that topic.

However, let me be very blunt.  If you are indeed looking for truth in the Bible concerning a topic, then you must be honest in your quest.  That means the first step in your search is to look at every verse of scripture related to the topic at hand. What is sad is that most people will not take the time or the effort in even this first step to examine the scriptures.

Far too many either find a doctrine they like and can live with, or, they hold to that which they have been taught for years.  They have their 3 or 4 verses on each topic in case they need to defend their position and take a stand for God.  And, if you disagree, well, it’s either my way or the highway.

Jesus said, “I am the way.”  So, regardless of our doctrines and opinions, if we are followers and disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, why don’t we manifest more love one to anther?  And, at the same time, ask ourselves honestly, “Why do I believe what I believe?”

Mike Verdicchio

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John 3:16 Compilation
Love Heals

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What’s Your Name?

I don’t claim by any stretch of the imagination to be a poet.  The only “poems” I have ever written were some lines to try and impress my wife.

But I have been thinking a lot about the love of God for about a week.  Yesterday morning I felt inspired and wrote some lines.

I debated about whether or not to put it here on the blog.  Well, today I decided to go ahead and post it. What do you think?

What’s Your Name?

His name was criticism,
He chopped and chopped until the tree fell down.

His name was criticism,
He chopped the fallen tree into small pieces.

His name was criticism,
He tossed all the small pieces into the fire.

His name was criticism,
He walked away with nothing left but all the ashes

His name is criticism,
And in the distance, he gazed upon another tree.

Her name was love,
She watered and watered the tree, giving it strength.

Her name was love,
She carefully pruned the tree, helping it grow and expand

Her name was love,
She tenderly nourished the tree on to the road to full potential.

Her name was love,
She walked away protected by the tree’s massive shadow.

Her name is love,
And in the distance, she gazed upon the whole forest.

What’s your name?

Michael Verdicchio

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Having Trouble Forgiving Others?
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Love Heals!

What’s Love Got To Do With Healing?

Whenever someone close to me is sick, I pray for their healing. Often times in doing that, I think about the many records in the Bible where people received deliverance and healing.  Perhaps you do the same thing, too.

I know and believe that healing from God is available; I wrote a book about it.  But there is something in that book that I certainly pointed out, but really didn’t elaborate or expand upon as much as I could have:  the healing power of love.

Take a few minutes to consider the concept of “love heals.”  There are those in the medical profession who know and understand this.  They have literally seen patients healed by love, and I’ll share with you a great quote about that in just a bit.

Let’s Start With You

Do you ever doubt at times whether God really loves you?  If you do, then stop it.  The truth is that God loves all of mankind.  The Bible says that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. So, if you are a part of the human race, guess what?  God loves you.

I know, lots of people don’t buy into that.  To some, it might sound nice, but there are plenty of people who would ask the question of “Why?”  Some think, “What have I ever done to deserve God’s love?  I really don’t deserve His love.”  Thoughts of unworthiness continue to keep people from receiving what God wants them to have, including healing.

Can we please get logical here?  If you think that God’s love is dependent upon the things that you do, or the things that you don’t do, just how good would you have to be, consistently, to earn the love of the Creator of the heavens and earth?  Who could ever be good enough?  No one, and that’s the point.

Who Initiated Love?

God’s love to us was not in response to our love toward Him. The Bible says that He loved us first.  In other words, He is the One Who initiated love.  Why?  Because love is His nature; God is love.  And He demonstrated His love by giving His only begotten Son so that we could have eternal life.

How Do You Define God’s Love?

God’s remarkable love is composed of three main elements.  First, the love of God is giving.  If you are going to love with the love of God, then it is an act of giving.  God so loved the world that He gave…

Second, love is giving whether it is earned or deserved.  Love is not a reward; love is freely given even if it is not earned or deserved.  The Bible says that God loved us even while we were yet sinners; we didn’t earn or deserve God’s love.

Third, love is giving without requiring anything in return.  God gave His Son for all of mankind and in doing so what if all of mankind will not accept His Son?  What about those who would not respond back to Him?  Has everyone accepted Christ?  No, but that didn’t stop God from giving His Son.

God’s love is giving, regardless of whether it is deserved or not, and love is expecting nothing in return.  That is how God, Who is love, initiated His love to us in sending His Son to die for our sins so that we could have eternal life.

That’s why the Bible says that we love Him because He first loved us.  Sadly, a lot of people have it backwards; they think that God loves them only when they love God first and do all the right things, and never make a mistake.  Not so!  He loved us first; we then can choose to love Him because He first loved us.

But What About All My Mistakes?

Some people think, “How can God love me?  Look what I’ve done.  I’ve messed up again.  I really don’t deserve His love.”  Who really deserves God’s love?  Which of us could ever be good enough to earn it?

We have to remember that God’s love is unconditional.  He willingly gave His love to all.  The Bible says that there is nothing that can separate you from His love.  Why not accept that great truth?  Why not accept His love?

How Powerful Is Love?

In his book Love, Medicine, and Miracles, Bernie S. Siegel makes two statements: “I am convinced that unconditional love is the most powerful known stimulant of the immune system. If I told patients to raise their blood levels of immune globulins or killer T cells, no one would know how.

But if I can teach them to love themselves and others fully, the same changes happen automatically. The truth is, love heals.” And second, he says, “Remember I said love heals. I do not claim love cures everything, but it can heal and in the process of healing, cures occur also.”

So just how powerful is the love of God?  It is so very powerful, and it is a choice, it is a decision; we choose to love with the love of God.

Check This Out

I made reference to the scripture in John 3:16.  A lot of people have heard this verse.  Many times at sporting events, you see someone in the stands hold up a sign that says, “John 3:16.”  I was looking at the Bible in a hotel room a few years ago, and it had that scripture in about 75 different languages in the back of that Bible.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

I have a nice framed calligraphy of that verse hanging in my home, with a really neat explanation of that verse.  It says:

For God — the greatest lover

So loved – to the greatest degree

The world – the greatest number

That He gave – the greatest act

His only begotten Son – the greatest gift

That whosoever – the greatest invitation

Believes – the greatest simplicity

In him – the greatest person

Should not perish – the greatest deliverance

But – the greatest difference

Have – the greatest certainty

Everlasting life – the greatest possession


Always remember that God is the One Who initiated love; He loved you first.  You did nothing to earn or deserve His love.  His love for you is unconditional and nothing will ever separate you from His love.

Because of His love to us, we love Him because He first loved us.  And, if God so loved us, then we ought to love others also.  Jesus said that by this shall all men know that you are my disciples if you have love one to another.

The Bible also says that when it comes to believing, hope and love, the greatest of those three is love.  Think of the great impact that you can have on others if you will simply love them like God loves you!  And, think of how you can play a very important part in someone receiving their healing because of your commitment to love them.

Love heals!

Michael Verdicchio

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The Greatest Love

For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him, shall not perish but have everlasting life.

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John 3:16 Part 1
John 3:16 Part 2
John 3:16 Part 3
John 3:16 Part 4

John 3:16 Part 5
John 3:16 Compilation

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Weekend Love Quotes

After I did Friday’s podcast, I was thinking that it might be kind of cool to put up some “love quotes.”

Do you have a favorite “love” quote?  Share it with the rest of us by typing it  in the comments below.

Love Quotes

Love and you shall be loved.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Think lovingly, speak lovingly, act lovingly, and every need shall be supplied.
– James Allen

If you would be loved, love, and be lovable.
– Benjamin Franklin

Jesus said unto him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.

This is the first and great commandment.

And the second is like unto it, you shall love your neighbour as yourself.
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
– Matthew 22:37-40

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It’s Your Attitude

It’s Another Podcast!

I’ve used the slang word, “tude,” a few times; have you?  It’s usually used in a negative sense.  “That guy had a real tude.”  It means the person had a real bad attitude.

This short podcast (8:45) is all about your attitude.  And believe it or not, your attitude about others is a reflection of your attitude of yourself.

Enjoy the podcast!

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Where Is Your Confidence Level?

It’s Another Podcast!

Have you ever noticed that some days your confidence in God is really high, while other days it is really low.  Do you know why?

In this short podcast (4:19) I’ll share something about your confidence with God that is monumentally important!  Having confidence in God is a huge key in receiving His promises in your life, and understanding your confidence in Him can be life changing.

Enjoy the podcast.

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