Was It A Tough Year For You Too?

2016I’ve heard quite a number of people say that for them, 2015 has been a tough year; in some cases, a very tough year.  I concur.

Our calendar year is broken up in months, weeks and days.  There are times when you have a tough day.  At the end of one of those days, you might optimistically say, “This was a tough day, but tomorrow things will be a lot better.”

There are other times when a given week has lots of challenges.  Sometimes an entire month seems filled with one unpleasant thing after another. But a whole year?  Since we mark time by days, weeks, months, and years, an unusually long time span of disappointments, challenges, obstacles, and sorrows, is often labeled, “a really tough year.”

For me personally, 2015 has been rather challenging.  Okay, it’s been tough, really tough.  My wife and I have been married for 44 years and we both agree it has been one of the toughest years of our lives.

Rest easy; I’m not about to list everything that happened this year.  No sir.  I’m not going to turn this article into a “pity party.”

But after having a very tough year, “New Year” has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?  Just saying it engenders a little hope for a brighter year ahead.  And, after a very tough year, adding, “Happy” to that phrase, “Happy New Year” takes on a little bigger meaning.

I know life happens in the moment, and moments make up hours, and hours make up the day.  I’m glad when we come to the end of our day, we’re tired, and we go to sleep; the day, good or bad, has finally ended.  When we wake in the morning, it is indeed a brand NEW day!

Each morning we can start our NEW day by doing our best to put the previous day behind us; we can start out fresh, looking to God for His help and direction.  We can expect to have a great day.

At times that might not be as easy to do as it is to say.  But that little mental shift can point us in a direction of hope for the future, instead of regret of the past, and that’s a great way to start a new day. It is a simple mental choice.

Meanwhile, the new year, 2016, is upon us.  Is it naively optimistic of me to expect a great year ahead?  I don’t think so.

God’s promises are all still true.  The Bible says that God is a very present help in time of need.  With His help, and His promises, why not expect 2016 to be the best year of your life so far?

As for me, right at the tail end of this very tough year, I started a brand new radio show called, “The Optimistic Spin.” I will embrace and enter into 2016 on quite an optimistic note! And I expect that kind of attitude not only on my radio show, but in my life as well.

Happy New Year!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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12 thoughts on “2015 WAS A VERY TOUGH YEAR

  1. thanks Mike! Yes it has been a tough year for me too, but I’m expecting that my mind and thoughts can think more about God and His love for me and His patience with me I can likewise rest in His rest in faith and reliance on what He has promised and not look at the circumstances. All of God’s best to you Mike and your family. Love always, Len

  2. 2015 was an excellent year for our family, personally and professionally. We have had extremely tough years in times past. Having experienced those tougher times has prepared us to appreciate the good times even more. A new day brings new opportunities to live victoriously. A new week is always the start of new adventure. A new month brings us closer to another New Year. And, the New Year brings us hope! Blessings to you and your family and may God bring you the BEST New Year ever!

  3. GOOD DAY, Mike !!!
    I tend to agree with you in regard to the year 2015 which is almost over and a new one yet to begin ! 🙂 This year has been more than difficult in many ways ! Firstly I am glad that every moment is new as I have to walk moment by moment and all those moments piled together can end up great or not so hot…Ya know, beside all the profitable things that s.i.t. do; I have often thought they are a way not to think too much, if that makes any sense. Many times if not more, I have to let the thinker rest…toss my cares to God and not take them back. Yes, we have to make goals and a “blue print” if you will for each new month using a pencil as many times we have to erase a few things here and there, but we have made the generalized and detailed thought for the month ahead and sometimes for the day ahead which has to be really generalized as our Father has told us that today is enough for anyone; and we can approach tomorrow when it gets here. It makes, certainly , a good plan for me so I can endeavor not to get rolled up in all the anxiety which I am the worst at doing that ! For me the loss of a loved one, the loss of health the loss of …….etc.etc. can just be too overwhelming !!!! BUT God says He will supply all our need if I should have the brains to ask Him! And I don’t mean ask in the name of Jesus Christ and sit at the front door and wait. I do my part and God will do His part if I let him…so without going on with this novel; yes the key word you used is EXPECTATION. Which means we do what we can without getting all worn out and He will do His part which never wears out. If He did , He could not have made that promise. So with that what an ENORMOUS BLESSING you and Kathy are to the Body of Christ ! With all my heart, I say THANK YOU for ALL you do and that is what really matters along with kicking back and letting the good times roll !! 🙂 Love you both !!!! <3 What a wonderful example you both are and your commitment endless !HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! :)LOVE YOU TONS !!! DID I ALREADY SAY THAT 🙂 AND OUR FATHER LOVES YOU MORE <3 <3 <3 YOUR GOOD FRIEND AND SISTER, carol

  4. I tend to agree with you in regard to the year 2015 which is almost over and a new one yet to begin ! 🙂 This year has been more than difficult in many ways ! Firstly I am glad that every moment is new as I have to walk moment by moment and all those moments piled together can end up great or not so hot…Ya know, beside all the profitable things that s.i.t. do; I have often thought they are a way not to think too much, if that makes any sense. Many times if not more, I have to let the thinker rest…toss my cares to God and not take them back. Yes, we have to make goals and a “blue print” if you will for each new month using a pencil as many times we have to erase a few things here and there, but we have made the generalized and detailed thought for the month ahead and sometimes for the day ahead which has to be really generalized as our Father has told us that today is enough for anyone; and we can approach tomorrow when it gets here. It makes, certainly , a good plan for me so I can endeavor not to get rolled up in all the anxiety which I am the worst at doing that ! For me the loss of a loved one, the loss of health the loss of …….etc.etc. can just be too overwhelming !!!! BUT God says He will supply all our need if I should have the brains to ask Him! And I don’t mean ask in the name of Jesus Christ and sit at the front door and wait. I do my part and God will do His part if I let him…so without going on with this novel; yes the key word you used is EXPECTATION. Which means we do what we can without getting all worn out and He will do His part which never wears out. If He did , He could not have made that promise. So with that what an ENORMOUS BLESSING you and Kathy are to the Body of Christ ! With all my heart, I say THANK YOU for ALL you do and that is what really matters along with kicking back and letting the good times roll !! 🙂 Love you both !!!! <3 What a wonderful example you both are and your commitment endless !HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! :)LOVE YOU TONS !!! DID I ALREADY SAY THAT 🙂 AND OUR FATHER LOVES YOU MORE <3 <3 <3 YOUR GOOD FRIEND AND SISTER, carol

    • Thanks for leaving a comment, Carol – wow, you posted it twice! 🙂
      Looking forward with you to a great year ahead – lots of prayer and lots of His help!
      God bless you…