Facing The Unknown

There is a lot of uncertainty these days.  Many people are worried about what’s coming next.  Who knows?

In this short video, (4:05), discover how you can face the unknown with confidence in someone who is worth having confidence in. And find out what keeps you from having confidence in God.

Enjoy the video.

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The Biggest Identity Thief

It’s Another Podcast!

If you have ever had your identity stolen then you know it is not pleasant.  I’ve been there and done that – twice!

In this short podcast (9:32), I talk about the biggest identity thief that I know.

I mentioned it last Saturday when I was sharing at the Phoenix Rescue Mission. In this podcast, I’ll play you a brief clip from that presentation on Saturday.

Enjoy the podcast!

[If you cannot see the player below, just click the title above]

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Related Posts:
Is He Willing?
If He Could Forgive
Are you Out Of Touch With Reality?
Phoenix Rescue Mission

Look for more podcasts as well as more videos coming soon to Confidence And Joy!

Opposite Thoughts

You’ve probably heard the question, “What are you thinking about?”  But have you ever wondered how many thoughts you actually think?  Scientific research varies on estimtes from 12,000 to 50,000 thoughts per day.  But, there is something that you cannot think about!

In this article I am going to show you just how magnificent the human mind is by asking you to do something with your mind that you cannot do. I’ve tried it and I can’t do it.  In fact there is no one on the planet that can do it.

I’ll explain more in a few minutes.

What you focus on in your mind will always set the course for your life, whether it is positive or negative, success or failure, victory or defeat.  Amazingly, few people know and understand this and even fewer believe it.  Believe it or don’t believe it; the battle will always take place in the mind.

Thoughts Are Seeds

I like to think of thoughts as seeds.  Seeds have a planting and germinating process. If they are planted and nourished, they will grow and produce. This is true with weed seeds too.

Just because a negative thought comes into your mind doesn’t mean you need to harbor that thought and entertain it.  You can simply dismiss it, like pulling a weed out. Or, you can choose to keep it and let it settle in.

Now, consider opposites.  How do you get rid of darkness?  Simply by introducing light.  Light and darkness are opposites. The same is true with cold and heat.  Hot and cold are opposites, just as light and darkness are opposites.   One replaces or neutralizes the other.

Try This Experiment

Now when it comes to our thinking and our thoughts, we just cannot think two opposite thoughts at the same time.  Have you ever tried?  If not, here’s an experiment you can do right now.

tall-buildingPicture a building in your mind.  Make this building a very, very tall building and, at the same time, make this building a very short building.  You can’t do it!

You cannot picture the same building as a very tall building and a very short building at the same time.  That’s because tall and short are opposites.

Want to try another?

Picture a car at a racetrack going one-hundred and fifty miles an hour and at the same time see the car going twenty miles and hour.  You cannot picture it because fast and slow are opposites.42-15599538

You cannot hold two opposite thoughts in your mind at the same time. One will simply overwrite the other.  That is how the Creator designed our brains to work.

This Gives Us A Great Advantage!

The thoughts that you hold in your mind are the thoughts that you are planting and nourishing, and they will grow.  The question is, “What kind of crop do you want to harvest?”

Get busy planting and nourishing the seeds that you want to harvest. If a farmer wants to harvest wheat and corn, does he just sit around all day and do nothing, and then hope that maybe someday he could harvest some wheat and corn?  No.  He plants seeds and nourishes them.

972948What kind of seeds does he plant?  Wheat and corn, of course!  It’s so simple and so very obvious in so many categories of life.  And, it works just as accurately and precisely in our minds.

You must decide what you truly desire, and then start planting and nourishing the seed. When those destructive, negative, defeating thoughts pop in, drive them out, by replacing them with what you do desire.

It’s Your Choice

Your thoughts will truly bring to you courage or discouragement; success or failure; confidence or fear.  It is always in your own power to choose which thoughts you will hold in your mind. Changing your thinking is absolutely required if you want to change your circumstances.

God gave us all free will.  You can choose to think whatever thoughts you want to think.  But remember, you are and you will be a product of the thoughts that you have planted and nourished.  The Bible says, “As he thinks in his heart so is he.”

Mike Verdicchio

Related Posts:
It Changed My Life
Are Weeds Growing In Your Head?
Stop Looking Back

Do you have a comment?  We’d love to hear what’s on your mind.  If you do, please type it in below.

It’s Time For Football!

It’s Another Podcast!

Kathy and I just got back from a wedding in Spokane.  Here’s a picture of the newlyweds, Will and Michelle.  Congratulations!


This podcast is not about marriage. I will do a podcast on that subject sometime, but since football season is here, I wanted to share about an interview I heard last year.  And, even though the interview was with an NFL player, there was something he said that is a great principle we can a all apply in living life.

Enjoy this podcast. It’s about 6 and a half minutes.

[If you cannot see the player on this page, just click the title above]

Related posts:
Stop Looking Back
TV News
Have You Failed?

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Got a comment, a complaint, or even a rant?  We’d love to hear what you think. Just type it below and let us all know what’s on your mind.

Look for more podcasts as well as more videos coming soon to Confidence And Joy!

TV News

Have you watched a lot of TV news lately? 42-17253129 It’s not very encouraging, is it?  Well, in fact, it is pretty depressing. I don’t watch a lot of TV news, but when I do it is filled with gloom and doom and predictions of more gloom and doom.

Now with a background in broadcasting, I know all too well that the news has never been designed to be positive and uplifting.  There’s an old saying in journalism, “If it bleeds, it leads.”  That means the story that contains the most dramatic negative elements in it is usually the lead story.

But how do you feel after watching the TV news?  If you’re like me, you don’t feel happy and elated or encouraged and inspired, do you?

Are You A Reporter?

So much of what has happened here in the United States in the last 10 months has led many to criticize, blame, and condemn.  Many people are re-reporting to others what they heard on the TV news:  “Did you hear what happened now?  Do you know what they are trying to do?”

Now I am not saying we have no problems, because we certainly do.  My head is not in the sand.  But, there is some other news that you can choose to focus on rather than the TV news.  You can put your focus on the Good News.

I believe that regardless of circumstances and situations, no matter how big they may seem, the promises of God are still true.  And God will bring His promises to pass for those who choose to believe Him.

Why Are They In There?

bible-1The Bible is not only full of God’s promises of help, deliverance, healing, and prosperity, but you can also read many accounts of people facing very adverse and even impossible circumstances who received His deliverance.  Have you ever wondered why those accounts are in the Bible?

I’m not talking about the obvious and most memorable ones, like the children of Israel crossing the Red Sea.  You have to admit, that was a pretty adverse and seemingly impossible situation.  The odds were certainly stacked against them with the Egyptian army on this side, and the Red Sea on that side.  But God came up with a remarkable solution.

And there are of course other memorable accounts, but what about some of those that are less familiar, and more personal?  For example, the woman with two sons, whose husband died, leaving them with unpaid debts?  It was bad enough in that culture to be a widow, let alone to have debt.

This was a seemingly impossible or hopeless situation.  According to the culture, her two sons would be taken to work off the whole debt.  But again, God came up with a solution that not only allowed the woman to pay all of her debts, but have enough for she and her two sons to live on.

How Bad Is A Famine?

What about living through a famine?  A famine is about 100 times worse than a downturn economy.  A woman and her son were about to eat their final meal and then just die.  But, once again, God brought a tremendous solution.

So, again, my question is why are those records of deliverance in the Bible?  Why are there numerous accounts of God’s help and deliverance against all odds in adverse and seemingly impossible situations?  Are they there just to entertain us?  Or, are they written to inspire us and encourage us to have confidence in God?

In my own life there have been many times when it looked like the “odds were all stacked against me.”  Those situations were very real.  Perhaps you have been in situations where you were discouraged and felt like giving up.  I certainly have.

A Really Big Key

But I have learned a big key is where I keep my mind. Where do I choose to put my mental focus? I can look at my present reality and accept it, and then project a very negative outcome as a result of where things are right now.

Or, I can take a different approach.  I can look at what God has promised me, and keep my focus on what He has said.  I can look to Him for solutions.  Instead of expecting things to get worse, I can choose to expect things to get better, regardless of what is going on around me.

We all choose what thoughts we think.  The TV news will not encourage you or build your confidence in God. But the Good News will. And when it comes to the economy, here is something to keep in mind.  In fact, you can remind yourself of it every time you spend money.  On every piece of currency we still have the words, “In God We Trust.”


Some may choose to immerse themselves in all that the TV news is reporting, and then hope that somehow the government will take care of all their problems.  I choose to accept the Good News, and believe His promises of prosperity. I choose to trust in God.

Michael A Verdicchio

Related Posts:
Is He Willing
A Lack Of Confidence
How Big Is Your God?

Do you have a comment; a suggestion; a complaint; a rant??  Feel free to leave your comment below.  We’d love to hear what’s on your mind.

Is God Testing You?

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It’s Another Podcast!

During difficult times there are those who would say, “God is just testing you.”  But is He really testing you?  This is a touchy subject for some people, but listen and see what you think.

Enjoy this podcast.  It’s about 7 minutes.

On this podcast I mentioned, “This Is My Story,” a special post about my life.

I also mentioned the podcast, “Confidence.”

Do you have a comment, a complaint, or even a rant?  Just leave it below and let us all know what’s on your mind.

Look for more podcasts as well as more videos coming soon to Confidence And Joy!

For past videos and podcasts, check out the Archives. Look for more videos as well as more podcasts coming soon to Confidence And Joy!

When The Going Gets Tough…

In these days of economic uncertainty we certainly need to have confidence in God.  But we must also do our part too.  How are your tools?

Enjoy the video.

On this video I mentioned an interview on this site. Click Here to listen to someone who is keeping his tools sharp.

Leave a comment! Are you doing something to keep your tools sharp? Take a moment and leave a comment below and let us know. It could be helpful and inspiring for other Confidence And Joy readers.

He Raised Him Up!

How can you really be sure that Jesus Christ is indeed the savior?  How can you really have confidence that he did indeed complete mankind’s redemption?

There is a verse in the Bible that talks about God doing something that proves it; something that offers everyone assurance.  It is something that God has never done for anyone else.  He raised Jesus Christ from the dead to die no more.

This weekend believers all over the world celebrate and remember the “Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”   The reason we can have confidence that Jesus Christ is indeed lord of all men is because God marked him out from all others by raising him from the dead.

Have a great weekend!


BTW – I put up a post on another blog called, “The Greatest Lie Ever Told.” It has some interesting details about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  If you are interested, Click Here.

Feel free to leave your comments below.

Podcast – Confidence

WARNING! This podcast may upset you!

I am not trying to ruffle any feathers here, but you may hear something on this podcast that you just might not like.  If so, let me hear from you – please leave a comment.  And if you like what you hear, then by all means feel free to leave a comment as well.

The information on this podcast strikes at the very heart of this site. The podcast is all about having confidence in God, which is so vital for you in receiving from God.  It’s about 16 minutes, so, click the player below and take a listen…

If you cannot hear the mp3, please click here.

What Do You Think?

Did it make sense to you?  Did you find it helpful?  Do you have a comment?  Let me know!

Look for more Podcasts as well as videos coming to Confidence And Joy!

A Dream For Him And A Treat For Me

Owning this car has been a dream of his for ten years.  He finally got it last Thursday.  Kenny, my brother-in-law, is now the proud owner of a 1957 Mercury Turnpike Cruiser.

At the risk of sounding like a car salesman, let me just say that this “dream” car is gorgeous and loaded with a ton of extras.  I had no idea that way back in ’57 there were cars that actually had “memory seats.”  (The power seats “remember” the previous settings.)  If you want to see all the great extras this model had, check out this web site:  LoveFords.org

Nice Timing

It looks like my wife and I picked the perfect time to visit.  We arrived just hours after the “Cruiser” was delivered to Kathy’s brother.  To say that Kenny was excited would be an understatement.

He told me how he has wanted this car for over ten years.  Fully restored Turnpike Cruisers are pretty rare, but he purchased his “dream cruiser” at a great price.

Don’t Give Up On Your Dreams

Dreams don’t happen over night; most often it takes some patient waiting.  But, sadly, a lot of people just give up on their dreams.  They allow situations and circumstances to talk them out of their dreams.

The Bible talks about God giving you the desires of your heart.  So, you can wait patiently, having confidence in God to do what He said He would do, or, you can get talked out of your dreams.

It Was A Treat

I was so happy to be there to share in Kenny’s excitement.  It was so much fun for me to see another one of his dreams come to pass.  And it was certainly a treat to go for a ride.  Not too many people can say that they got to go for a ride in a 1957 Mercury Turnpike Cruiser.

Don’t give up on your dreams, whatever they may be.