What You Can Do In These Troubled Times

Growing up my dad read the morning paper and watched the 6 o’clock evening news on TV. When the radio was on during the day, there was always a newscast at the top of the hour. That’s how almost everyone stayed up to date on events going on in the world.

Today, there are hundreds and hundreds of sources disseminating what is called “news and information,” 24/7. We often gladly boast this is the “information age.” Sadly, this has come to us at a great cost.

It is commonplace today for so called “news outlets” to proclaim a person has been a victim of a crime, or that someone else has committed a crime, without a judge, trial, jury or verdict. Is it true simply because they said it is true? Far too often we hear many so called news reporters justifying their reports with the qualifier, “according to unnamed sources.” But, is it really true?

Breaking News

In an effort to be the “first” to get the story out there, many once reputable news outlets have been wrong, time and time again. The long standard practice of, “get it out first, but, get it right first,” has been almost totally abandoned. As a result, their lack of responsibility fuels fears and in many cases promotes hysteria.

A number of entertainers have freely put aside their entertainment to be spokespeople for certain popular opinions, confidently telling their audiences what is “true,” often with no proof, as they simply run with the talking points of the day.

Add social media to the mix, a gigantic platform promoting even more fear, hatred and hysteria. And far too many of our elected officials, using every outlet possible, concerned with their own power, and their own political party lines, continue to fuel the fires of discord and uncertainty ravaging our country.

As morals continue to erode in this country, many Christians feel discouraged and helpless. Those with seemingly louder and uninterrupted voices quickly shut down anyone and everyone who dares to speak up for what they believe is true.

What Can You Do?

There is, however, great encouragement in God’s Word, written in the pages of the Bible. Rightly understood, those words are true. God does not lie. We can trust His Words to be the truth.

There are a number of biblical references of individuals and groups of ungodly people, who, by their words and their actions, endeavored to sway public opinion. God does not look favorably on those who sow discord.

Meanwhile, the blessings of God on the United States of America are undeniably obvious. As a result of His blessings, this country has rendered humanitarian aid and protection to countless other countries around the world, more than any other country in the history of the world combined.

Add to that the great missionary work spreading the gospel to all parts of the world from this country of ours.

As Bible believing Christians, we must never forget the real battle is not with flesh and blood, political parties, or ideologies, but it is indeed a spiritual fight. Jesus said the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy.

Examples We Can Follow

We can take the example of Ezra and others, and pray, asking God to forgive the sins of our country. We can go to God in prayer like Hezekiah and others, asking for God’s help in situations we have no idea of how to solve.

We are encouraged by God in His Word to pray for those in charge of our government. We can pray for godly solutions to our problems. We can pray that those who oppose and desire to alter our constitutional republic can be thwarted. We can pray that evil people in our government, whoever they may be, can be exposed.

May we Christians remember the motto of the United States of America is still, “In God we trust!”

It isn’t necessarily true because you heard an entertainer, politician, newsperson, or your best friend say it. It isn’t true because you saw it on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. It isn’t true because you Googled it. And, it isn’t necessarily true because a lot of people think it is true.

Be encouraged knowing God’s Word, rightly understood, is true. Jesus said, “Thy Word is truth.”


If you’d like a signed copy of my new book, “What Does It Mean?  Click Here

Check out my YouTube channel;  over a hundred (most under 2 minutes) inspiring and encouraging videos for practical Christian living.  “Like” them!   Subscribe!   Share!  Thank you!


Who Are You Really?

I remember a time when I had a very low opinion of myself. I hated to look in the mirror.  I felt like an absolute failure. At the time, I didn’t realize the negative impact carrying that kind of mental picture of myself had in every area of my life.

We all know there’s no lack of information available about self-esteem. Books, classes, seminars and websites are full of suggestions to help you with your self-image. But here’s a very critical question to ask: is what you believe about yourself true or is it false?

Your self-image is based on information you have accepted. That picture might be based on what others think or say about you, what job or occupation you have, your education or social standing, or even your bank account.

Just because someone chooses to base their self image on the current facts or circumstances about themselves does not mean that is who they really are. It may be the reality that they have chosen for the moment, but it isn’t necessarily who they really are.  

For example, if someone has little or no money in the bank, they may choose to see themselves as a poor person. Their self-esteem might be based on the lack of money they have. They could then choose to accept that reality, and continue to be poor.  

But does having little or no money make you a perpetually poor person? If that were true then anyone who today has little or no money would be destined to stay poor, and we know that is not the case. Countless people who started out with little are now very comfortable; some are even wealthy.  What changed for them mentally?

It’s yours because…


Some People Blame Everyone and Everything, But...

Here’s another video from the archives.  There are dozens of videos on my YouTube channel. More are coming soon – subscribe today!

We all know people who play the “blame game.”  They blame everybody and every thing for their situation in life, and at times some even blame God! But instead of blaming, why not ask God for help!?

If you’d like a signed copy of my new book, “What Does It Mean?  Click Here

Check out my You Tube Channel  for inspiring videos! If you like them, subscribe!



What Does It Mean?

It’s a New Year and I’m very excited to announce I just released my new book, What Does It Mean? 

[If you are a subscriber to this blog, in just a few days you’ll receive an email with a gift from me: the first three chapters of this new book!]

Whether someone is simply interested in the culture of Bible times, a casual reader of the Bible, a serious student of the Scriptures, or a teacher, in the pages of What Does It Mean? they will discover gems of hidden truths and delight in understanding previously difficult sections of the Bible.

What Does It Mean? not only sheds light on over four dozen hard to understand verses of the Bible, but also offers some simple practical application for our day and time.

Click Here For More Information!

What Does It mean? is now available on Amazon, in paperback or Kindle.
Makes a great gift!
Get yours today!

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[For discounts on orders of 5 or more, contact me personally]

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This time of year,  Jesus is supposed to be reason right? Isn’t all of this about the savior coming into the world? In some places he gets some attention, while in others, maybe just an honorable mention. But, at the very least, there is some attention on God sending His Son, the savior of the world!

Wherever you may be, I sincerely hope you have a joyful season filled with God’s love, remembering the greatest gift ever given to mankind: the savior of the world, God’s only begotten Son.

And it is worth remembering that for some people you may encounter, it is not “the most wonderful time of the year.” I posted an article about that last year.

Below are some links to past posts, including topics like the Magi, Christmas trees, swaddling clothes, Simeon and Anna and even holiday stress!

Have A Very Blessed Season And A Great New Year!

holly-bowA Social Network Christmas
A video about Joseph and Mary on Facebook. And while Facebook has changed dramatically, this is still one of my favorites!

holly-bowHoliday Stress
Short article with some helpful hints to avoid holiday stress

holly-bowSimeon And Anna
From “The Eastern Eye” the great blessing to these senior believers in seeing the Christ child. A song about them by Lisa Tracy at the end of the article.

holly-bowThe Christmas Dilemma, and, ‘Twas the night before…
Do you say, Merry Christmas, or, Happy Holidays? Some thoughts on that, and some other choices.

holly-bowChristmas Tree Or Holiday Tree?
A podcast with some history of the “tree,” and, find out about a Jewish man who does not like it referred to as a Holiday tree.

holly-bowWho Were The Magi? Part 1
Who Were The Magi? Part 2
A couple of articles explaining who they were, where they came from, how they knew, what they saw, etc.

holly-bowSwaddling Clothes
What were they? What’s the significance?


What Happens To You When You laugh

Did you know what happens when you laugh?  It is very healthy?  When you laugh it reduces stress. In fact, there are a lot of physical and emotional benefits to laughter.

Two videos in this post – one here at the beginning and one at the end.

Medical professionals agree that laughter is very therapeutic.  Yes, it really is true, “a merry heart does good like a medicine.” That statement has been in the Bible for centuries and some people even know it by heart. But do you know the rest of the verse?

“A merry heart does good like a medicine: but a broken spirit dries the bones.” When you’re happy and cheerful and laugh, it is healthy for you. But when you’re discouraged, sad, and down, it is really just the opposite.

Here are just some of the things modern science has concluded about laughter:

It activates and strengthens the immune system.

It reduces at least four hormones associated with stress.

It provides a workout for the diaphragm and increases the body’s ability to use oxygen.

It relaxes the muscles.

It can reduce pain for periods of time.

It lowers blood pressure and can prevent hypertension.

It improves respiration by emptying the lungs completely of the air they take in.

Those and other facts are impressive.  And guess what?  Unlike all the ads you see on TV for medications, laughter has no negative side effects!

It really is very healthy to laugh; so laugh often, every day.  I’m not talking about cynical, unloving humor that puts people down.  I’m talking about genuinely funny things that make us laugh.

We’re all different; some things are funny to some people, but not funny to others.  But you really ought to find something that makes you laugh on a regular basis.  I have several movies that I watch from time to time to relax and have a good laugh.

And here’s another point.  You can really brighten someone’s day by sharing something funny.  You don’t have to be a professional stand-up comedian to offer a little stress relief to others.

We all encounter unpleasant things in our day to day life.  And while things can often be serious, we still ought to find some time to stop and have a good laugh, if for no other reason than to release some stress. 

So, find some time each day to laugh a little more.  And keep in mind, “A merry heart does good like a medicine.”

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People who choose to recognize even the smallest blessing and make gratitude a habit, are happy, positive people.  Because of their focus on God supplying, they trust He will continue to provide blessings. And He does!

Those who choose to recognize every lack and make complaining a habit, are miserable negative people.  Because of their focus on what they don’t have, they lack confidence in God to provide.

What you think and habits you make are choices.  And what you choose will bring you results.  Choose to make gratitude a habit!  There is always so much we can thank God for!

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Below are some links to past Thanksgiving posts from this blog.

Some forgotten history of the pilgrims 

A Psalm for Thanksgiving 

What Washington and Lincoln said

Lots of history related to the pilgrims and Thanksgiving

Have a great holiday weekend!


Discouraged?  Frustrated?  Have you ever felt like giving up?

In the short video below (from our video archives) I talk about the movie, Rescue Dawn. Talk about inspiring!  Talk about not giving up when faced with impossible odds!  It’s based on a true story.

If you like this video, please share it! If you have a comment, please type it in below.
Check out my You Tube Channel for more inspiring videos!


Why is God so Invested and Concerned with Human Beings?

It’s unmistakable and undeniable that the Creator of all the heavens and the earth is extremely concerned with human beings here on this planet. Among other things, He gave us 66 written books, and in those writings, the Bible, He gives past, present and future details about Earth and its inhabitants. Why is He so invested and concerned with human beings on planet Earth?

You might wonder what prompted me to ask such a question. It’s mostly a result of pondering a verse in the Bible, Psalm 8:4:  “What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?” Obviously I’m not the first person to wonder why.

Imagine for a moment you own all the land in the state of Texas, over 268,000 square miles. And you decide to heavily invest your attention into a single ant hill. It’s a silly illustration, but one can readily agree the ant hill seems very small and insignificant compared to thousands of square miles, right?


An Important Key To Remember

I’ve been a fan of the Bible for a very long time. I enjoy reading the Scriptures as well as taking the time to study God’s Word. If understanding the Bible is important to you, you’ll be happy to know I will soon be releasing a book that will help those who enjoy reading Bible understand it more.

An important key in understanding the Bible is recognizing the culture in which it was written. This book gives insight to the culture behind over 48 verses, which will help to make those verses more easily understood.

The title of the book will be, What Does It Mean? Bible Culture Revealed. It  provides wonderful insight regarding the culture of biblical times with respect to manners, customs, idioms, and other figures of speech.

For example, what was the intended meaning when the psalmist wrote, “I am become like a bottle in the smoke”? One might readily recognize the figure of speech employed in that verse, but what exactly was, “a bottle in the smoke”?

The same is true in reverse. Perhaps there are parts of the world that would not understand if they read something in a book that said, “He threw some hot dogs on the grill.” Here in the United States one would easily understand, but those in another part of the world may be a bit puzzled and wonder what kind of dogs, why were they thrown, and, what’s a “grill”? They lack understanding of our culture and idioms.

Final editing is underway. Cover design is in the works. Plans for both paperback and Kindle version are in motion. I will of course have a special post on this blog when it is released.