Break The Vicious Cycle of Discouragement And Defeat

Some people repeatedly endure a vicious cycle of defeat and discouragement.  If you have ever experienced this, then you know it is certainly no picnic.  This article will help you break the cycle of defeat and discouragement.

The vicious cycle goes something like this: “I know that God is able. I know what He promised. I really do believe that He will, but, you know, I just haven’t prayed as much as I should. I haven’t read the Bible enough; I haven’t been as loving as I should. I haven’t really done enough for Him lately…”

Praying, reading the Bible, and loving others are wonderful things you can do.  But, what are all of those things?  They are good works.

I am highly in favor of praying.  The same is true with reading the Bible, and loving others and doing good things.  But, they are all works.

Many Christians believe that being right and worthy in God’s eyes is dependent upon their actions: what they will do, or won’t do.  The more they do good or godly things, the more right and worthy they think they will be in God’s eyes.  And then of course, their prayers will be answered, right?

Hold On A Minute

Take a step back for a moment or two and consider a couple of things written in the Bible. You read in the scriptures that nothing that can separate you from God’s love. In other words, His love for you is unconditional.

His love for you does not change if you pray a little or if you pray a lot.  I know for some that almost sounds like blasphemy, but the scriptures proclaim that we simply cannot be separated from His love.  We love Him, the Bible says, because He first loved us, therefore our works do not affect His love for us.

And what about being right, or righteous in His eyes?  Our being made right in God’s eyes has nothing to do with our works, but rather it is from the completed work of Christ.  If we could, by our own works, make ourselves righteous then we would have never needed a savior.

You don’t become more righteous in God’s eyes if you read more of the Bible, and less righteous if you don’t read the Bible, because as a Christian you have already been made righteous.  God sees you as His righteous child and nothing will ever separate you from His love. Nothing.

Yes, it’s great to do things that enhance your spiritual growth and walk. But you must remember none of those things will make you more acceptable in His sight. The Bible says that you already are holy and accepted.

The Cycle

Now here’s how that cycle of defeat and discouragement happens.   Someone does a lot of good things, and then, because of all their good works, they feel really right in God’s eyes.  They go to sleep that night with a lot of confidence, knowing that God really loves them.

But what happens the next day when they don’t do as much as they did the day before?  Maybe they didn’t pray as much, or even read the Bible at all.  At the end of the day they realize that they didn’t do as much as they did the day before, which leads to discouragement.

So the next day, they try even harder. But how can you or I ever do enough good things to make us right in God’s eyes and deserving of His unending love?  To even think that we could come close is pretty egotistical when you stop and think about it, isn’t it?

And what happens when you have a bad day?  On the days when you mess up and really fall short, it’s very easy to feel condemned and discouraged.  At that point many feel they need to try to “pay for what they have done wrong,” by again, doing more works.

It becomes nothing but a vicious cycle of defeat and discouragement.  But when you really think about it logically, if you are doing works to be right in God’s eyes and to be worthy of receiving his promises, just how much would you really have to do in order to arrive at that point?

What is it that we could do, or refrain from doing, that would earn His love and His willingness to provide what He has promised?

Break Free!

Here’s a suggestion that will really help you end the vicious cycle of defeat and discouragement.  Why not just believe what the Bible says and accept God’s unconditional love for you.  Believe that you already are righteous in His eyes!  No, you didn’t earn it, and neither did I, but we both can decide to accept and believe it, and say, “thank you.”

Getting to that place will have a great impact on your life.  Your confidence in God to fulfill His promises to you will increase because you are no longer doing good works to make yourself loved and right in His eyes.  Instead, you will be doing good works out of gratitude for what He has done for you.

It will make a dynamic impact on your self esteem and self image, because you will be free of sin consciousness and condemnation, knowing Jesus Christ paid the price for your sins and there is no more price to be paid.

It may take a little time to put off the old way of thinking, and put on the new.  But it is well worth the effort.  When you do, it will really help you to accept that He is not only able to do for you what He has promised, but that He is also willing to do for you what He has promised, because you are right in His sight, and He loves you unconditionally.

Mike Verdicchio

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30 Years

It was a muggy night in Ohio, 30 years ago today.  That evening I  saw one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen, similar to the picture below.

Two years ago, on August 11th, I posted, A Special Day, on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of my ordination to the Christian ministry.  I mentioned on that post that my certificate reads, “a minister of the Gospel of Deliverance of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”  The English word “minister” in the New Testament comes from the Greek word that means “to serve.”  “Gospel” means “good news.”

Today marks 30 years, and I continue to do my best to serve the good news concerning Jesus Christ that brings deliverance.  Thank you for visiting this blog and allowing me to serve you some good news.

Mike Verdicchio

How to Get the Results You Desire

The choices you have made and the actions you have taken have produced the results that you see in your life right now. A lot of people might totally disagree with that statement, but I believe it is very true.  Your results are directly produced by the decisions that you have made.

I understand that we are living in an, “it’s not my fault” society.  Today, very few people take responsibility for their own actions.  And, if you listen to what some people say, you might think that we are all victims!

But the truth of the matter is that the results in our own lives are because of our own choices and actions.  We make a decision.  We choose a particular course or action and then we reap the results.

Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Here’s an illustration.  Let’s say you find yourself one beautiful summer afternoon sitting in a stadium enjoying a baseball game.  How did you arrive at that particular result in your life?  Did you go to sleep the night before and then just wake up sitting in the stands, cheering for your team?

Well, of course not.  Somewhere along the line, you thought about going to a baseball game.  Then, you eventually made a decision to go to the game.  Just what got you to the point of making that decision?  Your feelings did.

At some point, you began to think about going to a baseball game.  If you’re like I am, and really like baseball, going to a baseball game is a happy pleasant thought.   But, just having a quick thought about going to a baseball game usually will not yield the result of actually going to that game.

I have not gone to a game this year.  Yet, plenty of times I’ve had a quick thought like, “One of these days I’m going to go the stadium and watch a game.” But then, that thought is quickly gone, replaced by some other thoughts.

However, if you really start to think about something for more than just a second or two, you will get some feelings about those thoughts. Try it out.  If you don’t really like baseball, think about going somewhere that you’d really enjoy.  It might be to the ocean, the mountains, fishing or whatever.  Stop for a few minutes and really picture it in your mind.

Thinking about something very pleasant to you will produce pleasant feelings.  That’s because feelings are a result of thoughts. That is how the Creator designed us.  So, if you have lousy thoughts, then guess what?  You are going to have lousy feelings.  If you have pleasant thoughts, then those thoughts will produce pleasant feelings.

Your Results

What does all that have to do with the results in your life?  It has a lot to do with it.  Our feelings so many times play a big roll in our decision-making and subsequent actions.

Our feelings lead to decisions and actions.  These actions bring results in our lives.  That’s why I said, “The results in your life are because of your own choices and actions.”

And here’s the good news!   If you don’t like the results that you are getting in your life, realize it is because of your choices and actions.  Understand that choices and actions are a result of your feelings.  And, your feelings are a product of your own thoughts. So, if you really want to see a change in the results, start by changing your thoughts.

Choose what you are going to think about, and choose what you are not going to think about. Focus on your desires, not on your shortcomings, lack or failures.  Recognize the thoughts you have that are contrary to what God has promised you in the Scriptures; consciously put those thoughts out, and replace them with the promises.

Thoughts of failure will produce feelings of failure.  Feelings of failure will result in decisions and actions that will bring more failure results into your life.

Thoughts of success will produce feelings of success.  Feelings of success will result in decisions and actions that will bring success results into your life.

Take control of your own thoughts, because you are the only one who can!  The Creator designed you with freedom of will to choose the thoughts you want to think, and to focus on the things you want to focus on.  His desire for your life is success.

The results you get in your life are a product of your thoughts, your emotions, your choices and your actions.

If you’re tired of trying, and tired of settling, change your attitude.

Mike Verdicchio

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How To Change Your Attitude!

Has anyone ever told you that you need to change your attitude?  I have been told that a few times in the past.  Honestly, at those times, they were absolutely right.

Do you realize how much your attitude affects your life?  Few do.  If they did, they would work a lot harder on their own thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Then they would on improving their skills, capabilities, and competence.

Lots of people work very hard at improving what they do; that’s a good thing.  We all need to continue to grow in our abilities in order to reach our potential. While some people work really hard on various skills, very few choose to improve their own attitude.

What is attitude?  For me, a simple definition of attitude is your consistent mental outlook. Basically, your attitude is either negative or positive.

Now when I say, “positive,” I am not talking about ignoring opportunities and problems and simply saying, “Everything is fine.”  That’s not being positive; that’s denial. And on the other hand, if something comes up that upsets you, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have a negative attitude.

What Kind Of Attitude Do You Have?

Here’s the question.  What is your consistent outlook, your projection, your desired result?  Recognizing what kind of dominant attitude you have is really quite easy.  However, changing from a negative to a positive attitude takes a little bit of effort and that effort can be life changing for you.

When negative or unpleasant things come across our path, and they always will, some look at them and say things like, “I knew that was going to happen;” or, “It figures,” or, “I never get a break.”  Consistently uttered, those, and similar comments, are evidence of a negative attitude.

Meanwhile, when positive and pleasant things come, those kind of people will feel like they are lucky, or, just “caught a break,” or perhaps feel like it’s about time something good came their way.  Again, this is evidence of a negative attitude.

On the other hand, some people encounter negative or unpleasant things and say things like, “What’s the solution here?” or, “How can we turn this around?” or, “What can I do to change this situation? That is evidence of a positive attitude.

And, when positive and pleasant things come across their path, they will say, “That’s what I thought would happen,” or, “That’s what I’ve been praying for,” or, “That is just what I was expecting.” Again, it is evidence of a positive attitude.

It Is Not Just About Changing What You Say

Changing from a negative attitude to a positive attitude is not just about changing what you say.  Those with a negative attitude don’t think of something negative to say, they just say it because it is part of them.  The same is true of people with a positive attitude, they too just say what they say because it is a part of who they are.

Attitude has more to do with vision, your outlook, your projection or your desired results.  You can call it goals or dreams, but either way, your attitude really is all about vision.

People who have no clear goals, who have given up on their dreams, have a lousy outlook on life.  They may hope that things for them will improve, but they know that is not going to happen. They tried and failed, again and again, only to finally give up and settle.

Being around people like that is not very inspiring, is it?  Their negative attitude doesn’t encourage anyone.

On the other hand, people with clearly defined goals know where they want to go. they know how to handle setbacks, disappointments and failures with confidence.  They refuse to quit; they look for another path; they choose to stay determined to get to their destination.

People like that are very inspiring, aren’t they?  Their positive attitude encourages many people. Wouldn’t you prefer being around people like that?

How To Change Your Attitude

First, think clearly about what you want for your life.  The Bible says that where there is no vision the people wander aimlessly. Focus on the details of your vision], and write them down so you can look at them consistently every day.

Second, refuse to quit, no matter what.  God has not only promised that He would give you the desires of your heart, but also that He would direct your steps and light your path. If you are sitting on the side of the road, there are no steps to direct and no path to lighten; get moving and refuse to quit.

Third, pay close attention to what you think and what you say.  The Bible says that death and life are in the power of the tongue.  Now that you have a clear projected destination, align your thinking and speaking to harmonize with your goal.

When you think or speak something negative or something that does not encourage and inspire you toward your goal, then consciously replace it with something that does.  Release and let go of defeating thoughts and words and replace them with empowering words of hope and expectation.

Can you see how changing from a negative attitude to a positive attitude can dramatically change your whole life?  In doing so, you become solution-oriented which greatly benefits all of your endeavors.  And, you will be inspiring and encouraging those around you.

Here’s a quote from John Maxwell that sums up attitude.  “There is very little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.”

If you’re tired of trying, and tired of settling, change your attitude.

Mike Verdicchio

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One Word Can Change Everything

For many years, many successful people have been writing down their goals and affirmations.  Then, they discipline themselves to read those goals or affirmations every day.  This is one proven method of getting information into your belief system.

Once something is in your belief system, it will become evident in your life. It’s not magic; it’s just the way God designed our minds.  We will always evidence in our lives what we hold in our belief system.

Some call it “belief system,” while others refer to it as “core beliefs.”  The Bible refers to it as the “heart.”  In fact, one verse states, “As he thinks in his heart, so is he.”

Regardless of how you choose to label it, this is the way the mind works.  As a result, people have been writing down their goals for many years, in order to get information into their heart.

They write things like, “I am going to be successful,” or, “I will weigh 140 pounds by this summer.” They say, “I am going to do this,” or “I’m going to be that.”

A Really Big Key

I know that writing and reciting goals and affirmations is simply a method some use.  There are other methods that are used successfully as well.  However, here is a really big key.

When you write down your goals or affirmations, use the word, “because.” The word, “because” is a very important element in things that we believe.  Now, those last two statements probably didn’t have much of an impact on you, and I agree.

Here’s why. Without a good reason, the mind often disputes the affirmation. The word, “because” is a very important element in things that we hear.  If I add the word, “because,” my statement now has a logical reason to be believed.

Studies show that when someone goes to a location with a long line and then asks someone in line if they can get in front of them that about 50% of the time the person asked would agree, and say, “Okay.”

However, if, when asking to cut in line they add the word, “because,” the acceptance jumps from 50% to 90%!  “Can I get in front of you because I am really in a big hurry?” Or, “Can I get in front of you because I am already ten minutes late?”  The studies found that even if it was a lousy reason that followed the word, “because,” 90% of the people would still let the person asking go ahead of them.

Our minds are trained and conditioned so that when we hear a statement followed by the word, “because,” we assume that a very logical explanation will follow; we know a justifiable reason for the statement must exist.  That’s how our minds react to the word, “because.”  We will much more readily accept a statement that’s followed by the word, “because.”

Try It Yourself

You can try it out right now!  I’m going to give you a statement, first without the word, “because,” and then, the same statement with the word, “because.”  You decide which one has more impact.  First, here’s the statement without using the word, “because.”

Using positive affirmations can change your life. Honestly, that statement had very little impact to your brain.  But, now, pay attention to the impact it has on you when the word, “because” is added.

Using positive affirmations can change your life because you will change your core beliefs and thusly change you outlook, interpretation and reactions to life.

Do you see the difference?  Using that little word, “because,” makes your goals or affirmations real and believable. Our minds perceive it as a very good reason to believe the statement.

Writing down your goals or affirmations is a good method because it helps to get that information into your mind and eventually into your heart, your belief system.

Adding the word, “because” allows your mind to accept that information more readily, because your mind perceives it as justifiable.

Once that information is in your heart, it will become evident in your life, because, “as he thinks in his heart so is he.”

Mike Verdicchio

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Do You Have A Don’t List?

A “don’t list?” Most of us have “to do” lists.  But what about having a, “don’t,” or a, “stop doing” list?

Relax; this article is not about bad habits, although it could apply. Rather, it’s about what to do when there is too much on your plate.  It is about saying, “No.”

Recently, reading an article, I saw the following quote by Steven Covey.  He sums up this point really well.

You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage – pleasantly, smilingly, non-apologetically – to say “no” to other things. And the way you do that is by having a bigger “yes” burning inside. The enemy of the “best” is often the “good.”

Have you ever bitten off more than you can chew?  Have you ever taken on more than you could really handle well, or put so much on your plate that it spills all over the place?  At one time or another, we all have.

It’s Time To Stop And Say, “No.”

Our current economy is not helping the situation.  Many people are working more than one regular job, and millions of people have some sort of “side job.”  For lots of people, just generating needed income fills their plate.

And yet, so many people when asked, “Can you do this for me?” answer affirmatively.  I do love to help people, and saying, “No,” used to be very difficult for me.  But, I learned the hard way that there are times when the best thing for me is to say, “No.”

For example, I’ve been invited out to dinner, but graciously excused myself because the two or three hour time commitment was just too much at that time.  There are times when someone asks for some help, but I need some rest. I’m not thirty anymore.

I’ve told myself, “No,” to staying up late and watching a movie, which would have been fun and relaxing, but getting my rest was best for me at that moment. The point is, I believe it is more beneficial for me, and for those who count on me, not to get fatigued and burned out because I take on too much.

How can a mom be her best for her husband and children if she puts too much on her plate?  How can a dad be his best for his spouse and children if he is maxed out?  Yes, there are things on our plate that just have to be there right now, but there are other things we could put on our, “stop doing” list.

It Will Shock You!

If you want to shock yourself, write down the time you spend on everything you do each day.  Do this for three weeks.  The results will not only amaze you, but it will give you some choices to put on your, “stop doing,” list.

Seeing how much time we invest in everything is very helpful in making choices that are best for us.  For example, someone could say, “Do I really want to watch 40 hours of TV every week?”  Maybe I could say, “No” to some of that and instead do some exercise.

In this electronic age, there are lots of things we do, like texting, emails, posting on Facebook and Twitter, etc.  But many times those activities can turn into distractions that can overflow our plate.  After posting something on Facebook, is it really an important priority to check and recheck, and recheck again, to see if someone “liked” it or commented on it?

Every one of us receives twenty four hours every day.  No more, or no less.  We choose each day what we put on our own plate.  But can we also say, “No?”

What Will People Think?

When it comes to extending ourselves to others, one of the big problems is that we care too much what others think of us.  We dare not say, “No,” because, what will they think?  If we can oblige, that’s great; if we cannot, then why do we care more about what they think than what is best for ourselves?

This is a real dilemma among some Christians. Some say, “God first, others second, and I am willing to be third.”  Yes, God first, always and in everything.  And, yes, I am willing to put others ahead of myself.  But, is it God’s will for me to do that which results in my own physical and mental detriment?  I think not.

Yet, there are some Christians who preach that unless you attend every function, participate in every activity, and lend a helping hand to everybody you see, then you are a second rate believer.  Why some of my brothers and sisters are so quick criticize and condemn is beyond me. Aren’t we all reading the same Bible?

In the New Testament, Eppaphras nearly died over doing service that others should have been doing. Paul didn’t write and say that everyone should overdo it, burn themselves out and die!  In fact, in I Corinthians he wrote that if you do burn out in service, and don’t do it with the love of God, it means nothing.

There was a time in my life when I wouldn’t refuse anyone’s request, whether I was tired or not, whether it meant missing a meal or not, whether it meant canceling family time or not. I rarely ever said, “No.”  But, over time, living like that every day, took its toll.

Today, I still say, “Yes,” many times, but I also say, “No.”  I recently said, “Yes,” to an invitation to travel this fall to perform a wedding in Minnesota.  After thinking it through and considering the time in preparation as well as time from home, I decided it would be a blessing for the couple and I could put it on my plate.

Identify your highest priorities and responsibilities.  These are different for everyone; some people are single, others are married, and others are parents.  Certainly those with children have many more responsibilities than those without children.

Your priorities and responsibilities will change from time to time; sometimes day to day.  Jobs, shopping, cooking, keeping your home tidy, and spending quality time with those you live with are certainly very high on the list.  Be committed each day to your highest and most important priorities.

Next, take an honest look and consider what you have on your plate. Look and see what you either can stop doing, or, stop spending as much time doing, so that you don’t end up with too much on your plate. This will put you in control of your life instead of having life control you.

Finally, make sure there is room on your plate for you to rest, recharge, and do whatever you need to be your best for you and for those around you. Have the courage to say, “No,” so that you can keep your priorities.

Having too much on your plate day after day is stressful.  It will take a toll on you personally, as well as on those around you.  Love yourself, and love those around you, by taking charge of your life and doing what is best. Just say “No!”

Mike Verdicchio

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No One Appreciates Me

I was talking to someone recently about being appreciated at his job.  We agreed that when you receive appreciation for your work, it inspires you to not only do your best, but go beyond.  What happens when you don’t get any appreciation?

Lots of people today in the work force feel unappreciated.  They are working hard and think they are doing a good job.  But many times words of appreciation for a good job are few and far between.

Smart managers and leaders know and understand the value of praise and recognition.  They know showing someone that their efforts are appreciated and valued goes a long way in increasing productivity.  Those receiving recognition are much more apt to increase their performance because they feel appreciated.

But sadly, appreciation in the work place today is not prevalent.  This is evidenced more drastically in our downturn economy because so many people are looking for jobs. Management knows that if an employee doesn’t work out, there are plenty of other people they can hire to take their place.

Many people in management have the attitude that their employees should be thankful for having a job.  If they are doing a good job, they get paid for it and don’t need any praise or recognition for doing what they were hired to do.  However, they fail to recognize that recognition inspires and motivates and results in a person wanting to do a better job.

So what do you do when you are doing your best but getting no praise or recognition which makes you feel unappreciated?  In the conversation I mentioned earlier, I told this person that he needs to do his work as if he was receiving praise and recognition.  There’s a really important reason why.

Far too many people who feel unappreciated have decided to just do their job. They just do enough to get by and then clock out.  They say to themselves, “My boss doesn’t really care about me, so I don’t really care about this job. Just give me my paycheck.”  However, they fail to realize that in doing that, they themselves are the real losers.

No matter who you work for, your skills and abilities are what you have to offer; that’s what you bring to the table wherever you work.  Why would you not want to continue to improve your skills and abilities?  Doing that gives you more value and worth, more to offer.

I asked this particular person how he would go to work on Monday if he had been told that his supervisor thought he was doing a great job and that they were so glad to have him working there. What if they had said that they wished they could pay him more, and hopefully in the future they would?

He said he would be so inspired, and feel so appreciated, that he would do better than his best.  He would look for ways to excel and improve his skills.  Doing that would certainly benefit his company, but it would also benefit him individually as he continued to improve his own skills and abilities.

I went on to tell him that he could not allow any apparent lack of appreciation to lower his standards of excellence.  I told him to do whatever he could to inspire himself and continue to grow and improve his abilities.  Maybe all his hard work would not necessarily be rewarded today, but it would be in the future.

How about you?  Do you feel unappreciated?  Do not allow lack of appreciation to lower your standards.  Do whatever it takes to inspire yourself and improve your talents and skills.  That will benefit you the rest of your life, and, it will also keep you in control of your own life instead of being controlled by others. You should appreciate you.

Mike Verdicchio

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Was It A Coincidence?

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Tomorrow marks the 236th anniversary of the United States of America.  I am still amazed that a few men of such beliefs, education, dedication and commitment somehow ended up at a particular place in time and agreed on what was called, “The America Experiment.”

I have a couple of comments, but first, take a moment to read some of the words from the founding fathers of this great nation.

George Washington
It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor.

Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable. – Thanksgiving Proclamation 1789

Oh, eternal and everlasting God, direct my thoughts, words and work.  Wash away my sins in the immaculate blood of the Lamb and purge my heart by Thy Holy Spirit. Daily, frame me more and more in the likeness of Thy son, Jesus Christ, that living in Thy fear, and dying in Thy favor, I may in thy appointed time obtain the resurrection of the justified unto eternal life. Bless, O Lord, the whole race of mankind and let the world be filled with the knowledge of Thee and Thy son, Jesus Christ.

Samuel Adams
We have this day [Fourth of July] restored the Sovereign to whom all men ought to be obedient. He reigns in Heaven, and from the rising to the setting of the sun, let His Kingdom come.

John Adams and John Hancock
We recognize no sovereign but God, and no King but Jesus.

John Adams
The Declaration of Independence laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity.

The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.

The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected, in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

I have examined all religions, and the result is that the Bible is the best book in the world.

Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other.

The Christian religion is, above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times, the religion of wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity.

Patrick Henry
It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great Nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Benjamin Franklin
“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.”

Thomas Jefferson
God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever.

The Christian religion is the best religion that has ever been given to man

James Madison
We have staked the whole future of our new nation, not upon the power of government; far from it. We have staked the future of all our political constitutions upon the capacity of each of ourselves to govern ourselves according to the moral principles of the Ten Commandments.

“The Congress of the United States recommends and approves the Holy Bible for use in all schools.” – Resolution passed by Congress, 1782

By Law the United States Congress adds to US coinage: “In God We Trust”- United States Congress 1864

John Jay, First Chief-Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is their duty – as well as privilege and interest – of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.

United States Supreme Court Decision, 1892
Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of The Redeemer of mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise; and in this sense and to this extent our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian…This is a Christian nation.

Do you think any of those men would have a chance today of winning an election?  Can you imagine hearing something similar from our Congress today like you just read?  What would happen if the current Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court would make a statement like John Jay did?

There are many, many quotes from the signers of the Declaration of Independence, as well as former presidents and others you can read. By the way, in reading the above, and other quotes, isn’t obvious the Founder’s did not want to sepearte God from the government?  They did not want the government to dictate any specific religion, but it is very clear they believed that God, Christianity specifically, was to be an intregal part of our givernment.

Was it just a coincidence that those men, with all their talents and abilities, and their faith, should be alive and live in such close proximty to one another, at such a critical time in the Colonies?  Or, was there Divine intervention in the affairs of man?  For the last 236 years I believe that God has truly shed His grace on this nation, but, we are at a critical point.

From the outset, Americans celebrated independence on July 4, the date shown on the much-publicized Declaration of Independence, rather than on July 2, the date the resolution of independence was approved in a closed session of Congress. And I have one final Founding Father quote, from John Adams, who, along with Thomas Jefferson, both died on July 4th, the 50th anniversary of the United States of America.

The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.

Because of the current state of the economy here in the United States, as well as very dry conditions, hundreds of fireworks and other celebrations are not happening this Fourth of July.  Nevertheless, we can still thank God for His blessings on our nation, and pray that He would continue to be kind and gracious and merciful.  I really believe we are at a point that without His intervention, we could be headed for very difficult days.  Why don’t we pray every day for our country?

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
II Chronicles 7:14


Mike Verdicchio

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I’m Tired Of It All

I once heard a story of someone visiting a man. As they talked on the porch he noticed an old dog sitting there whining every half minute or so.  He asked the man what was wrong with the dog.

The man answered, “He is sitting on a nail.” Puzzled, the visitor replied, “Why doesn’t he get up?”  The man then told him the reason, which is a great lesson in life.  “Because,” he said, “It doesn’t hurt badly enough yet.”

Many times people get to a place in their lives where they are depressed and say, “I’m just tired of it all!”  Do you know someone like that?  Maybe you’ve been then before; maybe you are there now.

People arriving at a state of being depressed and “tired of it all,” have a choice to make.  They can either give up, or, they can get up and actively look for solutions.  Or sadly, too often, like the dog, they can wait until they can’t take the hurt any longer.

How Did You Get There?

There is a progression that can bring us to the point of being “tired of it all.” It starts with a disappointment; something did not go the way we planned or thought it would.  But we all know that is part of life and it happens to us all, doesn’t it?

After a number of disappointments, we can find ourselves disgusted.  Anger or resentment builds up when things are not going well. While it may seem easy to go from disappointments to being disgusted, it is still a choice that we make.

After being disgusted for a period of time, discouragement sets in.  Fear of more disappointments restrains us from looking for other solutions.  But again, allowing ourselves to get discouraged and live with fear is also a choice.

Those who stay discouraged long enough become depressed.  They end up blaming other people and circumstances for their plight.  In desperation, they throw their hands up say, “I’m tired of it all!”

Some will just endure the pain for a lifetime; they will sit on the nail forever.  Others, not able to take the pain any longer, will get up and try to find some solutions.  The later is always the best course of action.

Even though it may be a tough road back, requiring consistent effort, taking action is the only way things will change.  Being solution minded starts the necessary mental activity to get us back on the right track.  With God’s help, there is no situation too far gone or too bleak.

We Have A Choice

But consider for a moment that in each of the above stages, at every crossroads, we each have a choice.  When a disappointment comes our way, as it always will, we choose how we respond.  If we respond negatively, that choice sends us down the path that leads to disgust.

But, even if we end up disgusted, we still have a choice to turn things around.  When we realize we’re disgusted, what will we choose?  Will we look for solutions, or will we head down the path to discouragement?

And even if we find ourselves really discouraged, we still have a choice to make.  We can start looking for solutions and other options.  Or, we can stay discouraged which will take us down the path to depression.

So, wherever you may be today, with God’s help there is great hope for tomorrow.  But, it is up to you to first make the right choice.  Regardless of your circumstances, your mental thoughts will set your sails.

Looking to God for help, guidance and direction means you are moving forward, not sitting on a nail and whining.   Pray and ask for answers and solutions, then move forward, looking for and expecting those answers.  If you are focused on how lousy things are today in your life, you are just sitting on the nail.

If the answers and solutions do not appear in one minute or one day, keep moving forward the best that you can.  Refuse to live with fear, disgust and discouragement.  Instead, be convinced that there are other options and solutions ahead, and, that you will get there.  Refuse to allow your mind to consider otherwise.

Mike Verdicchio

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Attraction Requires Action

Many books and presentations discuss the Law of Attraction.  Hearing what some say could lead one to think it is a magical formula for success.  It is not.

Some people propound that if you just concentrate long enough and keep your focus from wavering, you will attract that which you are focusing on.  They say the universe will bring it to you.  I disagree.

Now I do believe God can bring people and situations into your life as a result of His grace and mercy.  He is a God of answered prayers.  And, I might add that He is unlimited in His resources too.

But, that aside, I do not believe that the Law of Attraction somehow, magically sets the whole universe in motion so as to bring to you your desires.  Perhaps the Law of Attraction should have been called by another name, because the principle does work.

By the way, this concept is far from being something new.  Many years ago, Emerson wrote, “Concentration is the secret of strengths in politics, in war, in trade, in short in all management of human affairs.”  But even much longer prior to that, there are verses in the Bible describing it as well: “Guard your heart with all diligence for out if are the issues of life.”

So How Does It Work?

Let’s say you have never had a pick up truck and decided you want to buy one. You check out a number of things and decide on a Blue, Ford F-150.  You might even have a picture of it with you as you anticipate the day you will get it.

Then, suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere, you are seeing Ford F-150’s everywhere!  Do you really believe that because of your focus and concentration the “universe” put all those trucks in front of you?  Of course not.

God designed our brains magnificently.  When you begin to focus and concentrate on something, your brain registers that as something important.  All those F-150’s were there all along, but now, because your brain knows they are important to you, your brain tells you, “Look, there’s another one.”

The Bible states that as you think in your heart, you will be.  How many successful people go around feeling like a failure?  That’s why it is critical for those going through a difficult or challenging time to be very aware of how they see themselves.

Take Action

Just as our mental focus on trucks opened our eyes to see all the trucks around us, putting our mental focus on other areas of life will also open our eyes to those possibilities around us.  But, the “universe” is not going to give you the keys to the truck.  You have to take action.

Too often, people let opportunities float right by them.  They focus on certain changes in their life, their eyes are open to see the opportunities, but for one reason or another, they are afraid to take any action.  Fear shackles them and in the end, dissolves their dreams.

But it is never too late to start over and begin to dream again.  It is never too late to take advantage of an opportunity.  It doesn’t matter what has happened in the past, today is a brand new day.

Would you like to change some things in your life]  Spend some time in prayer, and then decide, as best you can, what you desire.  Then, put some aggressive mental focus to work, every single day – start dreaming again!

Finally, be ready to take some action.  It’s one thing to desire a pick up truck, and then see trucks everywhere, but quite another to purchase one.  So, put your focus on purchasing one.

Refuse to think about your past failures or your present inadequacies.  Instead, get up, look up, and start walking forward looking for the opportunities.  Put your trust in God, keep your eyes and ears open, and refuse to live with you take action.

Mike Verdicchio

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