Did you know what happens when you laugh? It is very healthy? When you laugh it reduces stress. In fact, there are a lot of physical and emotional benefits to laughter.
Two videos in this post – one here at the beginning and one at the end.
Medical professionals agree that laughter is very therapeutic. Yes, it really is true, “a merry heart does good like a medicine.” That statement has been in the Bible for centuries and some people even know it by heart. But do you know the rest of the verse?
“A merry heart does good like a medicine: but a broken spirit dries the bones.” When you’re happy and cheerful and laugh, it is healthy for you. But when you’re discouraged, sad, and down, it is really just the opposite.
Here are just some of the things modern science has concluded about laughter:
It activates and strengthens the immune system.
It reduces at least four hormones associated with stress.
It provides a workout for the diaphragm and increases the body’s ability to use oxygen.
It relaxes the muscles.
It can reduce pain for periods of time.
It lowers blood pressure and can prevent hypertension.
It improves respiration by emptying the lungs completely of the air they take in.
Those and other facts are impressive. And guess what? Unlike all the ads you see on TV for medications, laughter has no negative side effects!
It really is very healthy to laugh; so laugh often, every day. I’m not talking about cynical, unloving humor that puts people down. I’m talking about genuinely funny things that make us laugh.
We’re all different; some things are funny to some people, but not funny to others. But you really ought to find something that makes you laugh on a regular basis. I have several movies that I watch from time to time to relax and have a good laugh.
And here’s another point. You can really brighten someone’s day by sharing something funny. You don’t have to be a professional stand-up comedian to offer a little stress relief to others.
We all encounter unpleasant things in our day to day life. And while things can often be serious, we still ought to find some time to stop and have a good laugh, if for no other reason than to release some stress.
So, find some time each day to laugh a little more. And keep in mind, “A merry heart does good like a medicine.”